If we compromise on quality our customers will negotiate the price.

About us

Our mission is to provide invaluable support to subcontractors, manufacturers, and designers who face the challenges of meeting demanding project timelines and delivering quality results.

Empowering the Next Generation

Our dedicated team is committed to sharing our wealth of expertise and knowledge with the next generation of engineers and manufacturers. In partnership with leading universities across the UK, we actively inspire and encourage young minds to embark on fulfilling careers in these vital fields. We believe it's our responsibility to pass on everything we've learned and invite you to join us in this essential mission.

A Commitment to the Future

When you choose to partner with CBH Industries, you're not merely accessing high-quality services; you're becoming a vital part of our mission to raise a new generation of engineers and shape the future of critical industries.

Tailored Services for Every Industry

Our comprehensive services are meticulously tailored to meet the diverse needs of major industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, defence, marine, medical, science, and technology. With an extensive network of suppliers spanning the UK and Europe, we provide expert support in a range of crucial areas:

  • CAD Design: Crafting innovative solutions through cutting-edge design.

  • CNC Manufacturing: Precision manufacturing to exacting specifications.

  • Injection Molding: Transforming concepts into tangible products.

  • Sheet Metal Fabrication: Forming durable and efficient metal components.

  • 3D Printing: Rapid prototyping and advanced manufacturing.

  • Reverse Engineering: Unlocking the secrets of existing designs for enhancement and improvement.

Join Our Mission, Make an Impact

When you collaborate with us, you're not just getting a service; you're becoming part of a meaningful movement to make a positive impact on the world through engineering and manufacturing. Together, we can shape a brighter future, inspire innovation, and drive progress in the industries that matter most.

Join us in this remarkable journey. Let's build a world of endless possibilities, together.

Why work with us?

Shorter Leadtimes

With a wide range of suppliers across the UK and Europe, we’re often able to turn parts around as quickly as 1 week depending on complexity, however, our average lead time is 3-4 weeks.

Competative Prices

We are committed to providing our clients with the most competitive pricing in the industry, without compromising on the quality of our services. Leveraging our extensive network of suppliers and our expertise in cost-effective processes, we consistently offer pricing solutions that meet your budgetary needs. Our dedication to affordability means you can focus on achieving your project goals while benefiting from cost savings. When you choose CBH Industries, you're choosing a partner that values your financial success as much as our own."

Hands-On approach

We pride ourselves on our 'hands-on' approach to every project. We believe that true success lies in being deeply involved in the details and intricacies of each task. Our team of dedicated experts personally oversee every aspect of your project, ensuring precision, quality, and seamless execution. This hands-on commitment means that you have a trusted partner by your side, ready to tackle challenges, make informed decisions, and deliver results that exceed expectations. We're not just a service provider; we're your hands-on partner in achieving excellence."

Get started today!